Reboot Episode 8 Review: “Who’s the Boss” Is Gone Too Soon
Reboot’s first season comes to an end – but did it ever really get a chance to begin?
Reboot’s first season comes to an end – but did it ever really get a chance to begin?
Quantum Leap takes a step back into the 19th century… and another small step forward as a series.
Reboot’s penultimate episode is a disappointing one, the first real misstep for the young sitcom.
La Brea fails to execute on the easiest premise imaginable… which means it is time for this TV critic to bid adieu.
La Brea stages a Harris family reunion and a heist, to middling effect.
All good comedies know how to tread water, and Reboot’s first foray is not a disappointing one (well, mostly).
A bit of 80’s glam – and some surprisingly consistent storytelling – make for another promising episode.
Joey learns a secret as Friends executes a rare plot twist.
Friends accidentally teases its greatest plot arc in a fun, slightly stunted flashback episode.
La Brea really wants you to know how much it hates Eve in a repetitive, underwhelming hour.