The Second Look Audiobook #2 – “Friends Season 3, Episodes 3 & 4”
In this week’s Second Look Audiobook, it’s time to make some jam!
In this week’s Second Look Audiobook, it’s time to make some jam!
Friends takes on gender roles, 90’s style, to varying degrees of success.
La Brea returns with a renewed resolve to learn absolutely nothing from its disappointing first season.
Quantum Leap delivers a much-improved second episode, though there’s still plenty of wrinkles the young series needs to figure out (and quickly).
A bit of gossip and a lot of confidence drives another engaging, if occasionally clumsy, Reboot episode.
The Second Look Audiobook begins with an in-depth look at the opening episodes of Friends’ third season.
Friends trots out a first draft in the form of a full episode with “The One with the Jam”.
Reboot starts to tap into its wealth of potential in a promising episode.
Grab your finest knitted sweater – it’s fall pilot season, and our co-hosts are ready to dive into everything new (and old) hitting the TV landscape.
Friends channels its creative resurgence in a terrific bottle episode.